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Dr. Jon Shiery
Lead Pastor

I grew up about eight miles outside of Washington D.C.

Though I accepted Christ as my savior at an early age, I didn’t truly take hold of my relationship with him until after college.

I was teaching fifth grade, when I met my wife — Missy. After marrying in 1999, we started a neighborhood Bible study. Leading the study brought me great joy, so I tried out teaching and eventually preaching at our local church. That’s when I began to feel God calling me in a new direction.

I received my Master of Divinity degree and Doctor of Ministry from Luther Rice University. I also possess a degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s in Teaching and Curriculum from Messiah College.

Before becoming the Lead Pastor at Brookfield in August 2014, I was an Associate Pastor for over eleven years at Garden Chapel in Middletown, PA.

Missy and I have a mix of seven biological and adopted children.

I love watching and coaching basketball and spending time with my family.

Rick Ferrari
Next Steps Pastor

I was born and raised in Harrisburg, and attended Brookfield growing up.

At age 14, I was saved during Vacation Bible School at Brookfield Bible Church.

During my freshman year in college, I began to realize more fully that as a believer in Christ my life didn’t belong to me (Proverbs 3:5-12). Not long after, I was first asked to take a pastoral role in my late 20’s.

I received my Master of Divinity degree from Baptist Bible Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Wheaton College.

In August of 2019, I became the Next Steps Pastor here at Brookfield. Before that I was a missionary minister with ABWE in Ukraine, and the Outreach Pastor at First Baptist Church in Michigan.

Carol and I married in 1986, and have seven adult children.

I enjoy playing many different sports and have most recently gotten into tennis, when not working at the church.

Caleb Trayer
Children’s Ministry Director

I was born in Harrisburg, and have lived in the area my entire life.

I was saved when I was young, and really started to respond to the Gospel as a teenager. I really connected with the story of Mephibosheth in 2 Samuel.

Around that same time, I was asked to teach a lesson by my youth leader. I was filled with fear, but gave it a shot. As I spoke, I felt God comforting and guiding me as I taught. Through this experience and the positive feedback I received, I felt myself being led to ministry.

I received my degree in Bible with a minor in Youth and Young Adult Ministries from Lancaster Bible College, and became the Children’s Ministries Director for Brookfield in May, 2019.

When not in the office, I enjoy playing sports, hiking, board games, all things Star Wars, watching Philly sports, and spending time with family.

Brent Lowe
Student Ministry Director

I was raised in the Akron, Ohio area in a home where my parents taught me the Bible and brought me to church every week. I accepted Christ as my Savior at an early age and continued to grow in my faith. It was during my high school years that the Lord began working in my heart to use my life to serve Him in ministry.

After graduation from high school, I attended college at Cornerstone University where I studied to become a youth pastor. My wife, Tammy, and I met at college and married shortly after I graduated. We started marriage and youth ministry together as we served for 13 years in the local church before leaving the United States to serve as missionaries in Portugal. A large part of our ministry in Portugal was also with students.

We had the privilege of serving in Portugal for 10 years before returning to the States where we have been working in our current role with our mission agency serving our missionaries and their children.

We have four grown children and a Bernedoodle who rules the house! I enjoy all kinds of sports and spending time with my wife and kids!


Chris Locker

Cary Loyd

Rick Ferrari

Gabe Ulrich

Pastoral Assistants

Pat Phenicie

Tammy Lowe

Carol Ferrari